Iklim Hardware and Machinery has been started to sell the new product of high pressure cleaner. Those new product model are BM206-1200 and BM504-1600B. The product BM206-1200 and BM504-1600B is MORE LIGHTLY than previous product. Furthermore, those product can be EASILY CARRY especially BM504-1600B has the roller that can pull to somewhere.
In addition, there were a good news such as the new products are MORE CHEAPER than previous product.
Model | BM206-1200 | BM504-1600B |
Pressure | 70 bar | 90 bar |
Max. Pressure | 100 bar | 130 bar |
Max Flow | 6.5L/min | 7L/min |
Motor | 1200W | 1600W |
Voltage | 240V / 50Hz | |
Net Weight (KG) | 4.8 | 7.4 |
Dimension (mm) | 220 x 280 x 400 | 353 x 277 x 782 |
Accessories | Spray gun w Spray nozzle + Power cord w 3 pin plug + 5m High pressure hose |
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